Alternative dispute resolution
26 june 2019
You receive a high bill for your phone, Internet or TV. Your provider rejects your complaint. Or maybe your postal parcel is damaged. The provider loses your postal item, rejects your complaint and refuses to bear the costs.
We will help you in disputes with your provider free of charge and without too many formalities! Use the alternative dispute resolution mechanism for consumer disputes (ADR).
ADR is voluntary. We do not decide on the case, but rather focus on amicable solutions!
Who is in charge of the ADR procedure?
We are an autonomous, independent and impartial authority in respect of the parties to the civil law dispute. We will maintain confidentiality of all information obtained during ADR procedure. We do not take instructions, guidelines or recommendations from the parties to the dispute or from their representatives. Our remuneration doesn't depend on the outcome of the procedure in question.
How long does the ADR procedure take?
The case is settled within 90 days. We will present your claims and the provider’s arguments and help you settle the dispute. The procedure ends in drafting a report together with information on whether the dispute was settled in a positive manner.