7th Lower Silesian Civic Congress
18 october 2022
The 7th Lower Silesian Civic Congress was held on 11 October 2022 in Krzyżowa. The event was organised by the Lower Silesian NGO Federation in cooperation with the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe and the Marshal’s Office of Lower Silesia. The event was partnered by: the “Dolnośląscy Pracodawcy” Association, the “Merkury” Foundation, Working Community of Associations of Social Organisations, the “Wrocławskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci” Foundation and the Eudajmonia Foundation.
The theme of the Congress was “CRISIS – ADAPTATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGES”. These topics are especially important in current times. In addition to the main debate, event participants could take part in 12 discussion panels dedicated to various business and consumer issues.
UKE experts Milena Górecka and Katarzyna Grabowska were invited to appear as speakers in the “Cybersecurity and Disinformation” panel. We thank the participants for a productive discussion on cybersecurity issues, important for both consumers and entrepreneurs.