Digitalization leaders - LIST OF 100
08 march 2024
The President of UKE - Jacek Oko and Milena Górecka - head of the Consumer Policy Department - were included in the prestigious LIST of 100 '2023 Digitalization Leaders. This is an annual list of people who have "outstandingly contributed to the development of digital skills in Poland".
The List of 100 is created by the Broad Alliance for Digital Skills in Poland, an association of institutions, companies and organizations working to promote the use of digital technologies, digital education and building acceptance for civilization changes resulting from the development of information and communication technologies.
The awards were presented during the "Digital Skills 2024" conference, opened by the Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski.
During the conference we could listen to the lectures of:
prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska – Leon Koźmiński Academy, Harvard Center for Labor and Just Economy
Dr. Aleksander Poniewierski – APConsulting, former partner of EY Global Digital and Emerging Tech
The debate: Digital talents - how to acquire, shape and use them, was led by Dr. Anna Beata Kwiatkowska - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, member of the Digitization Council, SPRUC Program Council. The participants of the debate were:
Jolanta Okuniewska – Honorary Professor of Education, Primary School No. 13 KEN in Olsztyn;
Magdalena Polak – Director of the Secondary and Technical School Complex No. 1 in Warsaw;
prof. Krzysztof Diks – Faculty of Mechanics and Computer Science, University of Warsaw,
Teresa Wierzbowska – Cyfrowy Polsat
Włodzimierz Marciński – PoLAND of IT masters
The full list of the laureates of the List of 100 is available on the website umjetnoscicyfrowe.pl
Congratulations to all the winners!