"I know what I'm signing" in Szczecin

"I know what I'm signing" in Szczecin

On June 18, 2024, representatives of the Office of Electronic Communications of the branch office in Szczecin: Jacek Jarocki and Anna Gottfried-Stankiewicz participated in an event organized by the Słowianin Cultural Center, at ul. Korzeniowskiego 7.
As part of Inspiring Tuesdays for Seniors, we presented the main issues behind the "I know what I'm signing" campaign. We talked to the participants of the lectures about the safety of seniors in the context of using telecommunications services, and, above all, about the rights and obligations arising from concluding contracts with operators. We showed how to use the services and sadvised how not to be deceived.
We would like to thank the participants for coming in such large numbers and for their interest in our lecture.