Let's go on holiday!
25 june 2021
The school year ends today. We will probably remember it for a long time. It required patience, creativity, great support and mutual understanding.
We organised our first webinars for teachers at the beginning of the second term of the 2020/21 school year and offered that we would love to meet students for a “Klikam z głową” (Click sensibly) course, in the online format this time. While there was little interest in online workshops last year, a time when everyone was getting used to moving work and learning to the Internet, this year, they turned out to be a hit! Following the first online sessions we got a lot of submissions and in March we had our schedule already filled up until the last days of school in June.
We conducted over 250 webinars for 5474 students, with whom we talked about hate speech, adequate account password protection, premium texting, sexting, Internet addiction, and many other aspects of cybersecurity. Based on the curriculum level, each class was provided with an individually designed lesson plan adapted to the students' needs. We did not leave any question unanswered and each participant found out where they could seek help and support.
We would like to acknowledge our educators who invested a lot of time and energy to remain up-to-date with the world of children and young people, and reach out to their online audience.
The classes were conducted by:
Julita Nowicka
Wojciech Jakubowski
Piotr Miałchowski
Sławomir Kaliski
Anna Ligęska
Joanna Zakrzewska
Joanna Kujawa
Katarzyna Strycharz
Justyna Mazur
Łukasz Kiwicz
Arkadiusz Michałowski
Aleksandra Mokrzycka
We wish you safe summer holidays! And see you in September!