“Let’s talk about security – you have an impact” – a debate
07 december 2023
At the invitation of Piotr Makuch, Commanding Officer of the City Police Department in Szczecin, on 7 November 2023, employees of the Szczecin Regional Branch of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), Jacek Jarocki, Michał Kowalczyk, Andrzej Żukowski and Anna Gottfried-Stankiewicz, took part in a social evaluation debate organised as part of the series of debates “Let’s talk about security – you have an impact” under the title “Dzieci – children – support for a child by the Police and other institutions in a crisis situation.”
During the debate, a presentation on cyberviolence was given by Jacek Jarocki, including in particular the news which has recently come to public attention of YouTubers and influencers engaging in sexual violence against minors, and ways of avoiding it. The topic was met with considerable interest from the audience, which allowed us to determine the theme of the next debate.
The event was attended by school principals and educators from primary and secondary schools, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci (Children Association), representatives of the Municipal Family Support Centre, representatives of the Szczecin City Hall, judges and probation officers from District courts in Szczecin, representatives of the Regional Court in Szczecin, the Municipal Consumer Ombudsman in Szczecin and the Police. Some of the presentations were followed by a debate, which summed up the efforts and activities of the respective entities and services based on the conclusions of the previous social debate on the same topic held in April this year. More information and experience was exchanged on the threats to the security of children and adolescents. In addition, many school representatives became interested in the “Klikam z głową” educational campaign conducted by UKE.
Venue: auditorium of the Centre for Nanotechnology Research and Education, West Pomeranian University of Technology, al. Piastów 45, Szczecin