"Online safety explained easily" WTZ 2 (Occupational Therapy Workshops) at PSONI Koszalin
28 february 2024
The balance between being online and offline is very important. Katarzyna Mądrzycka-Adamczyk from the Department of Consumer Policy talked about how to ensure this balance during two workshops Online safety explained easily. The meetings were attended by participants of Occupational Therapy Workshops (WTZ), operating at the Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PSONI) Koszalin Branch. A total of 6 workshops were held over two days, during which participants learned about broadly understood cybersecurity and digital hygiene. The following issues were also discussed: how to navigate the Internet safely, how not to be deceived by fraudsters and how to recognize fake news, what photos and information can be shared and what is better to keep to yourself.
WTZ participants try to maintain a healthy balance between the digital and real world: on the one hand, they use the Internet - play games, maintain relationships with friends on social media, but they also develop their other interests and passions. The attached photos show some examples of handicrafts made by WTZ participants in their workshops: graphics-linocut made in a graphic studio. The Internet is a great place to share photos of your handicrafts, as well as gaining knowledge about various techniques, e.g. by watching tutorials - instructional videos on YouTube or by participating in thematic webinars. However, it is important not to "stay stuck" only in the online world and to have interests outside the Internet, such as creating handicrafts or practicing sports.