Safe online, Legnica

At the invitation of Mr. Tomasz Strojek-  the Municipal Consumer Ombudsman in Legnica, our experts Milena Górecka and Agnieszka Osełka gave a lecture on online safety rules, types of cyberbullying and ways of responding to threats.

Lectures were also delivered by a representative of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection - Zofia Orzeszko and a representative of Cyber prevention, NASK - Andrzej Rylski.

The meeting was attended by 400 participants, including students, secondary school students and seniors. The meeting was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Legnica, Mr. Krzysztof Duszkiewicz

The experts had difficult tasks to adapt the topics to such a diverse group of recipients. However, online safety concerns all of us, regardless of age, we can all face online threats and are exposed to manipulation by cybercriminals and disinformation. That is why consumer education is so important, because only an aware consumer will be cautious and more resistant to cyber threats.

We would like to thank the organizers for the professional preparation of the event: the Municipal Consumer Ombudsman in Legnica, the Center for Civic Dialogue and the Cultural Center in Legnica. We are glad that the residents of Legnica have access to knowledge and opportunities to improve their digital competences.

Report from the event: Safe online