UKE and UODO webinar
02 may 2024
April 16th once again, in cooperation with the Office of Personal Data Protection, we organized and conducted a webinar entitled: "Digital l@byrinth - beware of online traps".
The online meeting was addressed to secondary school students and students of grades 7-8 of primary schools.
During the event, participants learned how constantly accelerating technological progress affects the number of threats on the Internet.
Our colleague from the Department of Consumer Protection Joanna Dubel presented information on:
•how to navigate the digital maze to make online shopping safe and conscious,
•what is dropshipping and
•how to check the credibility of websites.
UODO (Office of Personal Data Protection) experts Iwona Piórkowska-Kapica and Krzysztof Król explained the topic of "deceptive design patterns" and how they can influence our decisions online, how to take care of our data and how to protect our privacy.
About 4,000 students from all over Poland took part in the webinar!
Thank you for being here!