UKE Webinars „ Secure Login"
08 march 2024
Today is another day of "I click sensibly" webinars.
The topic was Secure Log in and the participants were students of three age groups, grades I-III, IV-VI, VII-VIII.
Our experts discussed the rules for creating strong passwords, how to log in and use the network safely, avoiding possible threats.
In the meeting participated 51 schools and over 2,300 students.
Are you an educator, teacher or do you work with children? Register a class for our webinars: Register a class for a webinar - Consumer Information Center (uke.gov.pl)
Participation in the webinars will be confirmed with a certificate of participation for the teacher and the participating school.
From our guide “I click sensibly - A guide for parents and teachers” you will learn what hate and hate speech are and how to talk about them with children ". I click sensibly - A guide for parents and teachers - Consumer Information Center (uke.gov.pl)
We also invite you to visit the ECSM website - European Cybersecurity Month and about ECSM - Safe Month - ECSM Campaign (bezpiecznymiesiac.pl)