WCRD in Zamość
04 april 2023
On March 31, 2023, at the State High School of Fine Arts in Zamość, a meeting with the students of schools in Zamość was held on the occasion of the Entrepreneurship Day, combined with the World Consumer Rights Day celebrated on March 15.
Lectures on entrepreneurship and consumer rights were given by a representative of entrepreneurs' organisations, Director of the Regional Inspectorate of the Trade Inspection in Zamość, and the Municipal and Poviat Consumer Ombudsman in Zamość; representatives of the Lublin UKE Regional Branch presented the topic of fraud using telecommunications devices and safe online shopping.
The event was reported in:
The youth of Zamość will be more consumer aware - Zamość, ESKA.pl
Panorama lubelska: March 31, 2023, 9:30 p.m. (tvp.pl)