Webinar “Data and Image Protection Online”

Webinar “Data and Image Protection Online”

On 5 June, students of Class 3a from Primary School No. 22 in Białystok attended the webinar “Data and Image Protection Online.” The meeting aimed at familiarising children with key aspects of data and image protection in the Internet.
During the webinar, students learned what personal data and image are. Our experts, Joanna Dubel and Małgorzata Tymińska, explained that personal data was any information that could identify a specific person, for example: name, address, telephone number or e-mail address. Image, on the other hand, is any form of presentation of a person, for example: photos, videos or graphics.
We stressed the importance of taking care of your personal data and image online. Students were informed about the potential dangers of sharing their data improperly, such as identity theft, fraud, and unwanted contacts.
The webinar attracted large interest from students, who actively participated in the discussion and asked questions, showing that the topic of data and image protection is very important to them.