10th International Senioralia in Cracow
09 october 2023
On 31 August 2023 we were in Cracow where we met thousands of active Seniors from different countries. That day, the 10th Senioralia took place, during which people 60+ had the opportunity to listen to many interesting lectures, speeches, presentations and also to participate in the artistic part - there were fashion shows, concerts and even a disco :-)
During our speech, we reminded Seniors the most important information regarding both their rights and obligations of operators related to electronic communications [PP1] services. At our stand, we talked about premium-fee services, phishing attacks and our free courses prepared with Seniors in mind.
Thank you all for coming and we do hope to see you next year :-)
[PP1]W tekście termin „telekomunikacja” został przetłumaczony już jako „electronic communication”.