"Cyberbullying" grades 7-8
19 february 2024
Today, we conducted the second webinar from the "Click with head" series. The participants were pupils of grades 7-8 and the topic was Cyberbullying. In the webinar participated over 1,200 attendees.
Our experts Joanna and Agnieszka dealt with the scope of cyberbullying, its forms, effects and criminal liability, and also talked about how to identify cyberbullying and how to counteract it.
✅ Are you an educator, teacher or do you work with children? Sign up your class for our webinars: 👉https://cik.uke.gov.pl/akt.../zglos-klase-na-webinar,42.htmlNowa karta
Participation in the webinars will be confirmed with a certificate for the player and the participating school.
You will learn what hate is and what it is about regulated and how to talk about it with children from our guide „"I click with head - A guide for parents and teachers" 👉https://cik.uke.gov.pl/.../klikam-z-glowa-poradnik-dla...Nowa karta
We also invite you to the ECSM website - UKE European Cybersecurity Month webinar
👉https://bezpiecznymiesiac.pl/.../o-ecsm/23,O-ECSM.htmlNowa karta