Digital financial services and senior citizens – Congress of Financial Education and Entrepreneurship
30 march 2022
Accessibility of the technical infrastructure and devices, digital competences and adequate support are factors which influence the way senior citizens make use of digital financial services.
The needs of senior citizens and their role on the digital financial service market were the subjects of an expert debate during the 6th Congress of Financial Education and Entrepreneurship. The panel, co-organised by the Zaczyn Foundation and Senior_Hub. Institute for Senior Citizen Policy, featured:
• prof. Krzysztof Jajuga, CEO of CFA Society Poland;
• Małgorzata Rusewicz, President of the Polish Chamber of Funds and Asset Management;
• Milena Górecka, Head of the Department of Consumer Policy at UKE;
• Zbigniew Bujak, Teaching Specialist and Coach at the Central House of Technology;
and co-authors of the study titled “Digital Financial Services and Senior Citizens”:
• dr inż. Sylwia Badowska, University of Gdańsk;
• dr Anna Golec, University of Gdańsk.
The panel was moderated by Przemysław Wiśniewski, Director of the Zaczyn Foundation.
“Digital Financial Services and Senior Citizens,” the report endorsed by Senior_Hub. Institute for Senior Citizen Policy, CFA Society Poland, the Warsaw Institute of Banking, and the Polish Chamber of Funds and Asset Management, shows that most senior citizens with acquired digital competences are not out of step with technological change, but demand for digital financial management tools may rise sharply. Unfortunately, in comparison with other consumer groups, senior citizens are still the most digitally excluded ones. It is estimated that 6 million people are senior citizens without digital competences, distrustful towards the Internet and new means of communication.
For more on digital exclusion, see our article on the blog: Cyfrowy senior – oczekiwania a rzeczywistość - Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej (uke.gov.pl)
Thanks to education and the involvement of various institutions, we are able to invite consumers to build their competences and enjoy the benefits and opportunities of the Internet. We want to encourage all those who already use the Internet to use it safely. How? Check out our courses at the Consumer Information Centre – J@ online - Centrum Informacji Konsumenckiej (uke.gov.pl)