“In the shade of the Collegiate Church” in Głogów

“In the shade of the Collegiate Church” in Głogów

On August 15, at the invitation of the District Consumer Ombudsman in Głogów, our experts from the Department of Consumer Policy - Milena Górecka and Agnieszka Osełka, took part in the “In the shade of the Collegiate Church” event.
At a joint stand, representatives of the Office of Electronic Communications, the District Consumer Ombudsman and the Aquila Consumer Protection Association educated consumers about their rights. Our experts talked to visitors about the rights of consumers using telecommunications services and the obligations of providers of these services, including: how customers can pursue their claims in a dispute with the service provider, when they can withdraw from the contract or how to avoid unforeseen costs. Consumers learned where to seek support in a dispute with an entrepreneur and what institutions can help.
There were also many educational attractions for the youngest participants of the picnic, including our space friend Scottie Go!
The event was organized by the Głogów County under the patronage of the Starosta of the Głogów County and the President of Głogów