The Regional Branch in Szczecin conducted the workshop for children and parents of primary schools
12 december 2023
On 22 November 2023, representatives of the Department of Consumer Affairs of the Office of Electronic Communications from the Regional Branch in Szczecin participated in a meeting with parents of pupils of the Kawalerów Orderu Uśmiechu Primary School No. 48 in Szczecin. The workshop covered the topics of cyberbullying and safe usage of telecommunication devices by children. The event took place in the school gym. 60 people attended the meeting.
On 10 January 2024, representatives of the Department of Consumer Affairs of the Office of Electronic Communications from the Delegation in Szczecin participated in a meeting with parents of pupils of Primary School No. 2 in Szczecin. Conducted by Jacek Jarocki, Anna Gottfried-Stankiewicz and Andrzej Żukowski, the workshop touched upon the topics of cyberbullying and the safe movement of children on the Internet and the safe use of telecommunication devices by children.
Parents actively participated in the discussion and asked numerous questions relating to the types and operation of parental locks, as well as on topics related to the operation of UKE, e.g. with regard to premium services and how to proceed if a complaint is not accepted by telecom operators. The meeting was attended by 29 people.