The “Secure Clicking” educational workshop
30 june 2022
Younger and younger children are using the Internet and can access its contents. Junior users very often post materials, photos or comments on the net. With a view to educating the youngest Internet users, experts from the Educational and Informational Campaigns Division of the Department of Consumer Policy in the UKE stage online security lectures and webinars as part of the UKE’s own IOnline and Click sensibly campaigns.
Early this week, following an invitation of Assistant Police Commissioner Łukasz Pabian and Staff Sergeant Aleksandra Sendybył from the Prevention Department of the 4th police station in Kielce, UKE experts ran educational workshops on Internet security rules. The workshops were addressed to young people associated with the network of “Wolna Strefa” (“Free Zone”) clubs at the Witold Gombrowicz Voivodeship Public Library in Kielce.
Participants of the meeting learned, for example:
- what to be aware of when protecting their devices and personal data;
- how to handle cyberviolence;
- where to look for help.
The educational meeting was organised by the 4th police station in Kielce and the UKE lecture was delivered by Milena Górecka and Katarzyna Grabowska.