UKE and the Financial Ombudsman - meeting with seniors at the We Help Seniors Association

UKE and the Financial Ombudsman - meeting with seniors at the We Help Seniors Association

On August 6, 2024, the We Help Seniors Association invited us to their premises. In a small group, Milena Górecka and Agnieszka Osełka talked to seniors about safe shopping, phishing, online fraud, fake websites and the dangers awaiting consumers, especially the elderly persons.
Seniors, due to less experience with new technologies, may be more susceptible to cyber threats, including: phishing, scams, investment frauds, identity theft, disinformation or frauds committed by people pretending to have romantic relationships with seniors. The topic of cyber threats is no stranger to the meeting participants - they have encountered phishing and phishing attempts, and today they had the opportunity to learn the names of these cyber crimes :-)
Additionally, to the meeting, we invited a representative of the Financial Ombudsman, who told seniors what types of financial fraud they may encounter, what to do if someone tries to cheat us and what to do if it happens. This is valuable knowledge for older people who are sometimes ashamed of being deceived and robbed. Adam Bernacki's speech perfectly complemented the topic of cyber threats - seniors took a lot of notes :-)