UKE webinar "Cyberbullying"
19 february 2024
We entered into the new year with a bang :) In today's webinar "Does the internet play fair with us - ways to deal with cyberbullying" attended more than 1,200 pupils in grades 4-6. thus we begin series of open, free "click with head" webinars for primary school pupils.
During the meeting, pupils learned about the concept of cyberbullying and its various forms and real consequences in everyday life. Our experts Joanna and Agnieszka talked about how to identify cyberbullying and how to counteracting.
We encourage teachers to register their classes/schools for the next classes. Applications should be sent to the email address: .
The schedule of meetings and information on how to take part in the webinars can be found on the webpage Zgłoś klasę na webinar - Centrum Informacji Konsumenckiej (uke.gov.pl)
Participation in the webinars will be confirmed by a certificate of participation for the participating teacher and class.