UKE webinars "Data and image protection online"
26 march 2024
On February 21, we conducted another webinars from the " I click sensibly " series.
The topic was Data and image protection online and the participants were students of three age groups: grades I-III, IV-VI, VII-VIII.
The meeting was attended by over 25,000 students from 600 schools.
Are you an educator, teacher or do you work with children? Register a class for our webinars: Register a class for a webinar - Consumer Information Center (uke.gov.pl)
Participation in the webinars will be confirmed with a certificate of participation for the teacher and the participating school.
From our guide “I click sensibly - A guide for parents and teachers” you will learn what hate and hate speech are and how to talk about them with children ". I click sensibly - A guide for parents and teachers - Consumer Information Center (uke.gov.pl)
We also invite you to visit the ECSM website - European Cybersecurity Month and about ECSM - Safe Month - ECSM Campaign (bezpiecznymiesiac.pl)