Valentine's Day Tips
14 february 2021
February 14th is a special day for lovers - Valentine's Day.
We spend most of our lives online. Sending love postcards or secretly put them into the backpack of our school love is forgotten. Dating ads, once popular in many newspapers, are also rare. Time for online dating.
Dating sites are gaining more and more popularity. They represent a logical evolution in terms of meetings, seduction and hitting on, flirting. Online meetings are an alternative for those who find it difficult to make contacts and get to know others in real live. Love is a delicate matter, so rationality can be a problem while having butterflies in the stomach. It is therefore worth keeping a cool head and stop ourselves from transferring a large sum to, for example, a lady in trouble or pay for the "treatment" of the brother of a virtual lover, whom we did not even meet live ;-)
Some simple tips:
• Before using a dating site, read its terms and privacy policy.
• Not every person you meet online is who he or she say are. Protect your data to avoid falling victim to fraudsters.
• Watch out for payments! Some dating sites reserve the right to automatically prolongation the subscription.
• Protect your image! Think before you share an intimate photo - nothing disappears on the Internet.
One of the negative phenomena present in the cyberworld is sextortion, i.e. blackmail, where the criminal uses photos, erotic and pornographic films with the victim's participation. You can find out more about it at https://cik.uke.gov.pl/edukacjatop/klikam-z-glowa/artykuly-edukacyjne/sekstortion-szantaz-w-sieci,29.html.
When making love, remember about safety, also online.