You Have the Right! – a guidebook
13 march 2023
World Consumer Day is an opportunity to remind us that we are all consumers! We buy products, enter into contracts, use telecommunications, financial, transportation, travel, e-commerce and many other services. It is also an opportunity to remind us that we are not alone in disputes with entrepreneurs. In Poland, as in other democratic countries, there are various types of institutions to which a consumer can go if they are unable to deal with a problem on their own. There, experts with expertise will help us. Such institutions allow to level the playing field, to make it possible for an individual's dispute with an entrepreneur to proceed fairly despite the difference in knowledge and experience.
Only an informed consumer can avoid manipulation and the dangers that lurk at the stage of choosing an offer, entering into a contract or using services. An informed consumer knows their needs, their rights, their responsibilities and makes responsible decisions. For this reason, education and self-development are so important.
We have prepared the You Have the Right! guide, in which we remind you of 15 basic rights of consumers who use telecommunications services.
You have the right to:
· select the form of contract
· conclude a contract for a period of fewer than 24 months or for an indefinite period of time
· contract withdrawal
· contract termination
· termination of a contract that has been automatically renewed
· number transfer to another location
· number transfer to another network
· maintain the continuity of the Internet service
· block a premium rate service
· learn about roaming costs
· use of facilities for people with special needs
· complaints
· make a complaint within 12 months
· compensation
· amicable dispute resolution
See the guide for details: You Have the Right! Guide for users of telecommunications services – pdf link
· In asserting our rights, in addition to the UKE, we are assisted by institutions such as the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, the Personal Data Protection Office, the Financial Ombudsman, the Financial Supervision Commission, the European Consumer Centre, the Railway Transport Office, the Passenger Ombudsman and the Energy Regulatory Office and consumer advocates.
· Principles and laws applicable in Poland in contacts between consumer and entrepreneur (seller, service provider): Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
· Privacy and data protection information: Personal Data Protection Office
· Information on insurers and banks and where to find help in case of a dispute with a financial institution: Financial Supervision Commission and the Financial Ombudsman
· Assistance and advice on consumer rights when travelling in the EU, Norway, Iceland and the UK: European Consumer Centre
· Information and rights related to rail travel: Railway Transport Office
· Air carrier passenger rights: Passenger Ombudsman Civil Aviation Authority:
· Information for energy and fuel consumers: Energy Regulatory Office
Consumer protection advice is provided by consumer ombudsmen.
You can find contact information for ombudsmen in your city or province by using the search engine on the site: OCCP - Consumers - Consumer institutions - Consumer ombudsmen
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