Your data, your business

Your data, your business

On June 14, 2024, a meeting was held summarizing the 14th edition of the nationwide educational program "Your data - Your business" organized by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, Mirosław Wróblewski. The program is under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Education and the Children`s Rights Ombudsmen.
The event gathered numerous school representatives, teachers, experts in the field of personal data protection and students who participated in the program throughout the school year. The "Your data - Your business" program aims to raise young people's awareness of personal data protection and privacy. Participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge about the principles of safe use of the Internet, identity protection and threats related to cybercrime.
When talking about data security, we must think about the huge role of education. Strengthening the sense of palpable safety on the Internet requires extensive cooperation of all market participants - administration, local governments, entrepreneurs, NGOs, teachers, parents, all Internet users. Since telecommunications is an area of ​​our lives in which we share a lot of sensitive information about ourselves, we were happy to get involved in the Personal Data Protection Office's action by organizing a webinar devoted to data security and privacy protection on the Internet.
During the event, our office was represented by Dorota Grudzień-Barbachowska - director of the Department of Consumer Policy and Milena Górecka - head of the Educational Campaigns Department, who gave a lecture "Data bazaar - do we still have privacy or are we a biomass of BigTechs".
The meeting was opened by Mirosław Wróblewski - president of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Among the invited speakers were Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Education Katarzyna Lubnauer and Monika Horna-Cieślak, Children`s Rights Ombudsmen. Dr. Joanna Hałoń-Gnutek also gave a lecture, talking about children online from a teacher's perspective.