smartphone in hand

Don't call back!

You have a missed call? You don't know the sender's number, be careful!

We have repeatedly informed about fraud attempts and using the willingness of subscribers to call back. Please read the details.

We are currently receiving information about further fraud attempts, this time using numbers from Mali: + 223665XXXXX, + 223675XXXXX, + 223986XXXXX.  You have a missed call nfrom these numbers? Don't call back.

National numbers (mobile and landline) have 9 digits in the format XXX-XXX-XXX, e.g. 501-XXX-XXX or 81Y-YYY-YYY (with Polish prefix +48 - 11 digits), while foreign numbers are usually longer 14 digits.

+223 is not an area code for Warsaw! +223 is the international dialling code for Mali (connected country in Africa). The cost of such a connection per minute is even 7.69 PLN gross.

If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us: UKE Consumer Information Centre 22 330-4000 (1 tone) (the cost of the call according to the operator's price list) from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00