UE roaming since 1 July 2022
01 july 2022
A new regulation on roaming in the EU entered into force on 1 July 2022. Customers using telecommunication services will be able to use roaming according to the roam-like-at-home (RLAH) principle for the next 10 years, that is until 2032.
The new provisions of the regulation not only extend the application of earlier rules, but also bring additions.
The most important changes in effect since 1 July include:
1) Quality of roaming services on offer
Service providers may not offer roaming services on conditions less advantageous than those offered on the home market, in particular as regards the quality of services stated in the contract if the roaming is based on the same network generation and the same conditions and technologies are available.
Service providers should ensure that a roaming service agreement specifies the following:
- details of the retail roaming services as provided, including in particular clear and understandable information on the conditions and quality of such services;
- how the quality of roaming services may differ in practice from the quality of services provided on the home market;
- how other essential factors may affect the quality of services, including the speed, latency and availability of roaming services considering the availability of certain technologies, their range or fluctuations due to external factors, such as topography.
2) Information about methods of accessing emergency services in the visited member state
A roaming services provider notifies the customer using the roaming, via automatic message, that free of charge access to emergency services is possible by dialling the European emergency number 112.
3) Extra EUR 100 protection threshold
If a customer using roaming services uses more than EUR 100 (VAT excluded) in a monthly invoicing period, the service provider sends an additional reminder. The reminder should state the procedure to be followed by the customer if they wish the services to continue and the cost associated with each additional unit they use.
4) Further decrease of roaming rates
A change has been made in the amount of maximum additional charges the provider may charge under its Fair Use Policy if non-standard or improper usage of the roaming service is discovered (for example if the customer regularly uses roaming in the European Union for purposes other than occasional travel).
According to the regulations, maximum additional charges may not be higher than:
- EUR 0.022 per minute of outbound call;
- EUR 0.004 per text message;
- EUR 2.00 per 1 GB (1000 MB) of data.
For more information, see Questions and answers.