VIII Amateur Radio Meeting "Pszczelnik 2023"
01 september 2023
Staff members of the Department of Monitoring and the Department of Consumer Policy of the UKE Regional Branch in Szczecin, on the invitation of the Myślibórz Communication Club PZK SP1PMY and the Management Board of the West Pomeranian Regional Branch of PZK in Szczecin, participated on July 15th, 2023 in the VIII Amateur Radio Rally "Pszczelnik 2023" that was held in Myślibórz. The attendees of the rally were very concerned about Mobile Measurement Station, they raised many questions about the methods of its operation and the devices fixed inside of station. However amateur radio operators are perfectly capable of establishing communication with no telecommunication operators involvement, they were also interested in the activities of the Department of Consumer Policy and the subject of their consumer interests protection, subscriber rights and good practices in the use of telecommunications services, such as inter alia: avoiding premium rate fees.