What bait do you take? UODO and UKE webinar
13 april 2023
Technological progress is continuously accelerating. As Internet users, we should be aware that along with digital development, the number of phishing threats is also growing. Therefore, together with UODO, we organised and conducted a webinar: What bait do you take? UODO and UKE webinar. The online meeting was prepared for 7th-8th graders and secondary schools.
UKE and UODO experts talked about, among others:
- what personal data is;
- which data we share ourselves;
- what kind of data about users is collected online;
- how our data may be used and how to minimise the risk of threats;
- what phishing is and whether this type of scam also applies to young people.
Data has value and we must teach the youngest Internet users how to take care of it!
About 8,000 students from all over Poland took part in the webinar!
Thank you for joining us!